Produced by: Ray Conniff
Arrangement and Direction: Ray Conniff
Engineer: Dick Bogert
Assistant Engineer: Rick Webb
Piano Solos: Pete Jolly (except on the tune "Baia," Pete Jolly on
electric piano and Ray Conniff on acoustic piano).
Guitar solo: John Chiodini
Art and Design: Stark Design and Assoc.
Photo: Lendon Flanigan
A special thank you to Gene Merlino for his help with the chorus. I would also
like to thank D'Aldo Romano, Mario Ruiz and Melody Penagos of CBS Records International
for helping me with this project.
Recorded at Evergreen Studios, Burbank, California.
Original LP liner notes:
Nunca sé qué decir cuando CBS me pide que haga una dedicatoria en mis álbumes. Lo único que se me ocurre es agradecerles su patrocinio, a ustedes mi público, que han comprado mis discos y escuchado mi música a lo largo de los últimos 30 años.
La música nos ha brindado a mi familia y a mí, una rida confortable llena de satisfacciones y todo ello gracias a ustedes.
Vayan con Dios siempre,Ray Conniff
I never know what to say when CBS asks me to write an acknowledgement on the back cover of one of my albums; however, I welcome the opportunity to thank you, my friends, for your loyalty and support throughout these 30 years.
Music has enriched my life in various ways; one of them is that it has allowed me and my family to lead a very full and rich life. You have made it possible, and for this I once again thank you.
May God Bless You,Ray Conniff